Principal Zhong Lingzi, the secretary of the Party branch had a comprehensive and systematic lecture for teachers.
Secretary Zhong talked about what is "original intention" and "perseverance" based on the situation of our school.
· 希望每一名党员教师守初心、担使命、找差距、抓落实,积极投入到“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育活动中,为培养社会主义建设者和接班人而努力奋斗。
Then an immediate micro Party knowledge contest was launched on today’s theme, which the Party members had only a few minutes to prepare for. How would they perform?
After electing two Party members from each grade, we are ready!The competition was hosted by Ms. Ou Bingjie.
In the process of answering questions, the Party member teachers pressed device immediately and answered the questions fluently, which showed their familiarity with the theoretical knowledge.
After the fierce competition, we got the winners. Compared to places, knowledge learning is more important. The competition tested the learning achievements of all Party member teachers.
Love is the best education and the purest original intention. We love our students, classrooms, schools and education with all our heart.